It may not be accurate or fair, but I've always lumped chiropractors in with the rest of my mom's special brand of medical quackery. Her purple power quartz may have helped with pregnancy and delivery, but I'm a scientist, for heaven's sake. I need facts and proof.
This year, though, has seen the birth of a fatter, stiffer and, dare I say, more open-minded version of my previous self. The other day, when I had to move my entire body to look at someone entering my office because my neck no longer turned left or right, it seemed more than a little inconvenient. Driving? I had become the old woman terrorist commuter, accelerating and hoping for the best when changing lanes.
My new chiropractor tells me that my back muscles have been spasming, which has caused them to lock and severely limit my range of motion. Some manipulating, jack hammers, and electrodes later, I was able to turn my head. He thinks I'll need 2 weeks of daily, aggressive treatment, but with a $25 co-pay each visit, we may need to cut it short due to my
I was a scoffer, and I still think the usefulness of chiropractice is limited to certain areas - not EVERYTHING, but I gotta tellya, a few years back when I had pain in my back and leg that made walking difficult, I finally gave in - and 3 visits later I was as good as new, and the problem never returned. I think for a lot of neck, leg, back issues, it is a real answer. Not sure about the daily bit, but I would consider more than one visit if since you see improvement after one visit, I would consider more visits - maybe every other day?
Maybe you just need a pedicure? They have those massage chairs- and you'll return home with a fresh paint of toe nail polish. Two birds- one stone!
Do they have happy endings at the chiropractor?
David: ohhhh, I can't believe how much it helps! I'm thinking every other day, as well.
TQ: I try to have one pedicure a year, whether I need it or not. Man, I've got to win a lottery...
Laoch: hahaha...he IS young and hot - it's worth a try. ;)
I'm glad you went, Colleen. If there is help out there, get what you can of it. My medical thoughts are a bit like your mothers. I don't go until forced to, and then lend myself over to blind faith.
I was seeing a chiropractor for intense back pain a few years ago. But with pilates, ballet and biking, I'm now off my pain meds and no more chiro co-pays.
TQ: yeah, I know. I still tell people I almost lost my vocal chords due to the delay time getting to a doctor. I get it, but it's still nice to turn my head once in a while.
GW: Work seems to be the anti-exercise program I'm on at the moment...
I think I've mentioned before--when I had a back thing going on, I was prescribed ibuprofen and exercises--I was good as new six or seven weeks later. When my doctor boss at the time got the same thing, he went upstairs and got a shot and was okay right then. I'm still kinda mad about that.
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