
I love my job, part XXVI

The most stupendous part of the federal government employee hiring process is that someone who is a disabled veteran with virtually no experience or particular knowledge has more "points" than, say, a conscientious, diligent contractor with years of experience (and a cute haircut) who's currently doing the job.

Un-generalized afterthought: I'm not just bashing him because he's male; it's because he's a dumbass. The man who has come to me for years with questions is now running the program? Bravo.


Anonymous said...

when I worked in state goverment the process was once they were hired, inorder to fire them they had to kill someone twice. But usually they just got a "special assignment" which meant they went home and worked from home with full pay, while we brought in another winnar!

Oh and none of them ever had cute haircuts.

Wiz's Wench said...

our government at its finest. Wiz could rant for days about the whole thing...and sometimes, he DOES!!

Anonymous said...

So, how many fingers or eyes would you have to lose to out-point him?

If you haven't alrady worked that out then you didn't want the job badly enough anyway.


Anonymous said...

*already. Typing with stubs you see.

Haphazardkat said...

I know it well...

Sarah said...

I guess government jobs are the new bouquet of flowers.